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Everything in the Universe is pure energy, pure consciousness. In this lower dimension of illusory separation, the Universe appears to us in forms that give the energies a mode of expression. The Universe communicates to us in symbols because the universe is holographic and fractal in nature. Each part contains the whole, the microcosm contains the macrocosm. As above, so below. As within so without. The apparent separation of the forms is really an illusion on the most fundamental level of reality. It is Maya. Everything is connected and the correspondences are endless. By studying an atom you can discover insights into the nature of a solar system and by studying the Womb you can find secrets to the beginning of the Universe that arose out of the primordial Void and Chaos. The deeper you look the more you can see, and it's never ending. Learn how to see. Realize everything is connected to everything else.

- Jessica Isis, Esoteric Principles of Mathematics





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