
(내가 영어로 쓰는 이유는 헬조선의 검색 엔진에 눈에 덜 뜰려고 하는 목적이 있음)


If you guys know this person, Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian man, but with a Japanese citizenship. He writes articles from the Japanese underworld and "behind the scene" financial issues around the world, for example, the Baltic Dry Index, currency wars in the World Bank and IMF, and such.


He wrote a strange thing in his personal newsletter posted a couple of weeks after the Sewol tragedy.




You may not see his full newsletter on April 28th, 2014, Here is the full version of this.




And............. Look at this.


"However, Obama was able to extort some pocket change thanks to acts of terror such as the sinking of the South Korean ferry and the electronic hijacking of Malaysia Air flight 370, according to Japanese military intelligence. There are also renewed threats to use weather and earthquake weaponry unless the US corporate government was given more money, the sources said."


See this?


This is exactly what he wrote about the Sewol.


And lastly, I'll say this in advance. I saw the JTBC show SPOTLIGHT and it looks like the submarine theory is "pretty much" correct.

  • 방문자
    I thought the Sewol incident was more about Taemin and Geun-hye's cult (assuming that there is an actual conspiracy). I've never imagined that such a bigger force(foreign countries)  could be related to this. I should research more about the conspiracies behind this incident.  
  • http://projectcamelot.org/lang/ko/benjamin_fulford_interview_transcript_1_ko.html

    Here is a transcript of an interview of who Benjamin Fulford is in Korean and English. Many of what he said is becoming a reality.
  • john
    내 누차 말했지만, 그 모든 음모는 실은 이런저런 빌미로 모금을 해서는 기금을 조성해서 채권을 발행하려는 채권계급의 이해와 관련이 있다니까.

    우주개발펀드, 아시아개발펀드, 유럽재건펀드, 아프리카지원모금펀드, 글로벌워밍펀드, 아크틱 시라이프 펀드, 여성인권펀드, 남미인디오펀드, 아마존열대우림펀드, 사바나펀드, 미크로네시아수해지원펀드, 지진펀드 등등등 씨발 별의 별 명목의 채권이 다 있다니까.

    그런 개새끼들이 지들 모금활동하려고 방송언론질+주작질+테러까지 일삼는 것임.
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