
 This unique communication system (such as upper words and lower words) separates between generations and creates invisible hierarchy.

you guys might experienced this phenomenon when you met the strange people. What's the first question when you guys are encountered with other people? m
Maybe the answer is 'how old are you?'.
Then why are we always asking their age? I think we are asking it in order to distinguish who is standing on the position of '갑' and clear how to communicate with each other. When it is determined, there will be no horizontal relationships ever. Another cons of this language is the fact that there is even no way to say 'you' in Korea society except for equivalent relationships between friends. so we always have to use the title like '과장님', 선배님' instead the simple and easy word 'you'. How inefficient it is?
On the other hand, English has no any hierarchial factors such as lower words. English also has the title such as 'sir', but we can also use their name or 'you'. Imagine the situation that using '너' to supervisor in Korea. Do you guys think It makes no sense?
'Thinking that It doesn't make sense' doesn't make sense indeed.

Thank you for putting up with my weak english writing.

  • so we have to recognize that the age is not worth in the sense of effectiveness. anyway, no matter how old we are, we are same human. creating classes among us is so harmful one in sustaining our happiness!

    좋은 글 잘 읽었습니다
  • What about setting a main language this site as an English?

  • Actually, 한글is a wonderful thing, but hell lots of koreans failed it. So there is only way to discard that corrupted language. There are more merits than losses to discard korean. Mostly we could use english and keep the essential parts of korean own traditions.
  • I thought someone who thinks age is important has not anything but age
    (영어만 쓰니까 스팸으로 의심되어 차단되네)

  • 레가투스
    lolololol ㅋ
  • 참붕어빵
    Stoopid ass. Age thing is one of ingredient that korean society might sustain. They will get crazy if you take it out of them. Cuz nobody likes Taken away from others unless they got privilege esaily.

    They had it from suffer and effort and it is not changable. This is the true fact. 바보들...
  • AndyDufresne
    읽어서 이해할 수는 있는데

    영어를 표현할 수 없는 내가

    너무 한심하다...
  • 레가투스

    The word "sir" implies the responsibility which belongs to that person: while being respected by hearing "sir" from others, 

    he/she must live up to some of expectations to constantly prove that he/she deserves it. 


    I always find that there is something fucking weird and disgusting about some of Choseunians: those who always arrogantly
    try to correct and rate other's English and think English language as the only tool to
    define who is inferior and superior; on the other hand, when I speak with (White or Black) Americans and the others, they
    treat me on egalitarian bases ( not always so... but they don't use such a superficial factor (like command of Enlgish) to define who is lower and upper.) .

    The reason why Hell-Choseunians are so retard is that when speaking in Choseun language, they always use  the age to separate who is lower and upper, meanwhile, in using English, those Hell-Choseunians who espcially have studied abroad and lived overseas (from the Commonwealth or N. America) use English to rate who is " inferior" and "superior" ( their English aren't particularly remarkable either,... with some acceptable pronunciation and accent with the level just little above native Koreans who try to learn). They always find a way to establish "vertical" relation to position themselves upper , but in fact, knowing how to speak English and being other English-speaking citizens are all they got.



    I've seen some of those rude (twinkylike) motherfuckers here few months ago.

    They are nothing indeed. OMG, How the fuck speaking Engliish has become the privilege here? 

    This is extremely primative.... 


    How stupidly narrow-minded and incompetent...

  • Hence Koreans are fucked up in every way. ㅣ
  • hpark3
    yea mane corea's just as messed up america.. ok maybe alot more. like OP said my age and job came before person everywhere and anywhere on my first visit to 헬조선 which gave me an impression that they're trying to barcode me or some cr*zy s*it. and thats kinda rude imo like they don't really care who you are but what you are. As you can already tell my experience here isn't so good as of date and no signs of improvment. Where i work is confidential but I get beat down emotionally and physically since the beginning of my job here like cycle of death and rebirth and do it all over again the next morning. I'm so fu*king outta here once i get my degree and never ever ever ever comming back to this sh*t hole. Peace out and and hope to see you guys on the other side.
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