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IWG의 보고서(comfort women/sex slaves에 관해)

http://www.archives.gov/iwg/reports/final-report-2007. pdf

Sex-Slaves: Are Korean men Cowards, and sons of Cowards? 
Were Korean Men Cowards during World War II? 
A vexing question

There are growing, unsubstantiated questions about whether the Japanese Imperial Army kidnapped 200,000 sex-slaves (Comfort Women) in World War II. Mostly from Korea. 
A $30 million US Government Study specifically searched for evidence on Comfort Women allegations. 
After nearly seven years with many dozens of staff pouring through US archives -- and 30 million dollars down the drain -- we found a grand total of nothing. 
The final IWG report to Congress was issued in 2007. (Linked below. )
Nobody should be writing about Comfort Women issues without reading this report cover to cover. 
Many of the unsubstantiated claims are coming from Korea. Korean allegations have led to unexpected twists. 
At the time, Korea was part of Japan. 
Many Koreans were members of the Japanese military. So any allegations that the Japanese military kidnapped 200,000 women implies that Koreans were involved in kidnapping Koreans. This is an uncomfortable reality. 
This becomes even more uncomfortable. 
So today, South Korea constantly accuses Japan of kidnapping these shiploads of women. 
Imagine how this boomerangs back. ROK is saying that Japan kidnapped uncounted tens of thousands of women from Korea as sex-slaves. Yet there is no evidence that Korean men fought back. 
During the war, Korea had a population of about 23 million. Today, Texas has a population of about 26 million. 
Imagine trying to kidnap 200,000 Texas women. There would be a bloodbath. The Army would lose thousands of soldiers, and thousands of civilians no doubt would have been slaughtered in return. 
Evidence would be everywhere. Photos. Films. Battle sites. Texans would never allow 200,000 women to be stolen and raped without making a river of blood. So the Korean government is saying Korean men during World War II were a bunch of cowards. 
Also imagine this from the perspective of a Japanese military General or Admiral. He is at war with the USA, Australia, Britain, China, and more. His hands are full. The USA in particular is on the march with our Navy and Marines, and we are smashing Japan anywhere we can find Japanese. 
All generals always want more troops and supplies. That is a fact of life. Just ask any General. Ask any business leader what he or she needs to expand or defend against competition: They always want more resources. 
What kind of fool General would dedicate the resources to kidnap, guard, transport, and feed 200,000 women, knowing that he is creating yet another war to fight, all while losing the war that has existential consequences. 
The Japanese were highly advanced military thinkers. They made their own submarines, airplanes, and aircraft carriers. These were serious people, and super smart. 
There is no way that Generals would dedicate those resources to kidnapping women when the US military and allies were marching down their throats. They had a war to fight -- this was not Spring Break. 
Any serious military or business person can see the folly in common sense of kidnapping 200,000 women. It does not make sense, and would have created a new war in Korea -- which was a base for Japanese recruitment. Koreans were fighting Americans. Koreans were our enemy. 
Back to Korean men: It would be horrific to see the US Army try to kidnap 200,000 Texas women -- especially so considering that many US military members are Texans, just as many Koreans were Japanese Soldiers. 
Texas would rise up and start smashing the Army. Bridges would blow up. Soldiers would be shot every day. Bases would burn. The Army would fight back and there would be total war. 
So are we to believe that Korean men are such cowards that nobody lifted a hand to defend their women? Because if they allowed these many women to be kidnapped, they are cowards, and their sons today had cowards for fathers. 
The reality is that we know that Koreans are no cowards. Koreans are a courageous people. So what really happened? It is clear from source documents, and the common sense that there was no mass kidnapping. 
It is all a lie. And no matter how much someone hates Japanese, it will always be a lie. Hatred is not evidence. 
Everyone who repeats this lie is a stooge for North Korea, China, and Korean, Japanese and western leftists. 
Here is a small inventory of media who repeat this propaganda that is designed to split alliances between ROK, USA, and Japan: CNN, BBC, Washington Post, New York Times, Asahi Shimbun.. .more. The normal gang. Do you trust these outlets? How do you view their slant? 
Bottom line: Korean men who continue to tell this story are parrots or cowards. 
Please read the IWG report that practically nobody seems to know exists. If you do not have time for the whole report, do a search inside the report for Comfort Women, and carefully read those parts:

http://www.archives.gov/iwg/reports/final-report-2007. pdf

즉, 선량한 조선 여자들을 납치해 강제로 위안부 하게 했다는 게없다는 게 결론.

  • Hell고려
    죽창 누구지. 지금 이건 그저 센트릭스에 세뇌된채로 따질게 아닌거 같은데. 추측일 뿐이지만, 이런 거로 다 따져보면, 강제로 끌려간 기억은 아무래도 조센인들이 여자들의 의사는 묻지 않고 일본에 팔아 넘겼고 일본군은 다 합의가 된 상태니까 데리고 간 것 뿐인데 공포스럽고 해서 팔린 기억은 사라지고 끌려간 기억만 있는게 아닐까 싶다. 혹은 자기도 모르게 뒤에서 팔린게 결정이 됐다거나
  • 당시 기록들을 보면, 끌려갔다는 레파토리들 보면 대부분이 정신대인 줄 알고 혹은 군수공장 취업 건으로 찾아갔는데 알고 보니 위안부더라의 케이스가 대부분입니다.

    실제로 이러한 사기, 인신매매 행위를 취하던 것은 조선인으로.
    당시 위안소는 군 직영이 아닌 군의 인정을 받은 민간위탁형태의 위안소인 것들도 상당했고, 조선인 포주들이 상당수의 위안소를 운영하였습니다. 이런 조선인 포주가 인신매매 브로커에게 돈을 주고 의뢰하면 브로커가 조선으로 들어가 사기를 쳐서 데리고 나오는 방식이었지요.
  • Hell고려
    그럼 지금까지 강제 동원으로 선동질 한건 이 사실들을 죄다 은폐시키기 위해 강제로 국뽕세뇌 시켜댄거로군요. 역시 선동과 날조의 민좆
  • 노인
    이건 대부분 위안부 증언자들이 한 말입니다
    취업 사기 당한 게 대부분 
댓글 쓰기 권한이 없습니다.
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