
조회 수 106
추천 수 3
댓글 4

A want tae anenttalk what eretide means with ya.


As ya ken, a cannae unnerstan what eretide means ya are talking anent.

Ya said that the eretide is what hertitfeeling what happens ongoingly.

This thoght is what reither crank tae me. So, if it is the hertitfeeling o what is going inbowkly,

what is that awthoght in right-like?


howeer, a want tae begin talking anent athelingsship abreit ya awways say.

What is that athelingsship? a want tae some anentlore anent that.

is that weer? a donnae ken that.


This is also switherful that athelingsship shows that sulin Korean theed are eght Korean theed.

Is there aw bewitness that trust-hauding tae me kenshipishly? Outstanningly, which for leidkenship or eretide.

A want tae ken that.


A want tae get that how ya think anent this.



아무튼 한번 존하고 역사에 대해서 토론하고 싶지만

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