
조회 수 3332
추천 수 22
댓글 10



Ten Reasons Why I Dislike?Korea

Anyway, the point I will eventually get to here is that, as lovable and likable as Korea is, it’s also very dislikable. A couple of weeks ago I was going through an awful bout of negativity, and all of these things were really getting me down. I am much happier in myself now (cherry blossoms and long lunchbreaks sunning myself may have helped). Still, I’d like to add some balance to this little scales of positivity being eschewed on ye olde Kinterweb.

For starters, of all the lists I’ve read, they’re all right. There is nothing I disagree with in any of them. I would probably add a few things and move one or two things up or down, but yeah, there’s nothing wrong with them. These lists do present Korea as a great place, which it is, and as a resident of this country for almost six years I can honestly say I’ve enjoyed living here thanks to many of these reasons.

But there are also reasons I dislike living here. And negativity weights a lot more than positivity all to often. Maybe these are things which exist equally in other countries, but I can’t really compare them. This is just how I feel about here.

So here you go, the fulcrum in the scales (and in no particular order):

Ten Reasons Why I Dislike Korea

1. Inflation ? Yeah, you wouldn’t think it’s important for many, but it’s a killer for me, or I should say us. It’s something I notice on a daily basis, and sure it might get better in a few years, for now it is out of control. Maybe this points the finger at some deeper political problems, but from my own personal perspective I wish I knew how much I’d have to pay on food before I went to the shops. Prices go up and down on a daily basis, and rarely because the quality is different.

2. Driving ? For those lucky enough to live in Seoul, public transport is all you need. The taxis will mostly be affordable and the bus will drop you down practically anywhere. Outside of Seoul, a car is required becaue the public transport lacks the same efficiency. And then, when you get into your car….well I still count myself lucky every time I don’t die on the roads. I don’t want to go into it in too much detail, but there’s a lot of angry, careless, and, it has to be said, stupid people driving automobiles in Korea.

3. Cost of Living ? For all those fortunate enough to have their shoebox paid for by their employer, cost of living isn’t a problem. For those of us who don’t, like the vast majority of the population, the housing prices here are astronomical, and I don’t even live in Seoul! I have a nice apartment now, but I pay for the luxury, because otherwise I’d be buried in a second floor cave with no sunlight and poor ventilation. And that’s just rental prices…living here isn’t cheap and I aint getting that way either.

4. Unhappiness ? There’s all that talk of the UN happiness poll, or whatever it was, and Korea didn’t do very well at all. Life is not easy here, and you can feel how pissed off people are by the way they interact with other people. All those dirty looks you think you’re getting? Well you’re getting them, but don’t worry, they people who are giving them are giving them to everyone. This kind of anger permeates.

5. Supermarkets ? Every time I go to the supermarket they tease me with brief flurries of providing stuff I like. Then it either disappears forever, or they replace it with some crappy domestic brand (this doesn’t happen too often mind you), so I have to trapse off to Itaewon or Costco, or even worse the ubiquitous foreign food store, and buy it for a ridiculous price. I’d prefer to not have it at all sometimes.

6. People everywhere ? This is a bit harsh I know (I come from a country roughly the same size but with less than one tenth of the population), but sometimes I just wish that everyone didn’t have the same idea as me every time I want to go somewhere at the weekend. Maybe this is a testament to my cranky-old-man gene that I inherited from my old-man and his old-man before him, but sometimes the crowds just put me off doing stuff. There are some really fantastic places to see and things to do in Korea, but I just wish there was more so that less people would want to do the same thing as me.

7. Costco ? Where would I be without Costco? Well, in a lot healthier a mental state. Fuck me. That place just drives me crazy. But I have a car and I like buying their bread, cheese, roasted chickens, and other luxurious items in bulk, so what can I do? Grin and bear it? God no. I shall grimace, give out, and hate it…but still go.

8. Lack of concern for other’s personal safety ? I really wish that people would be a little more thoughtful. The way people drive, the way people work, the way people get into the lift … sometimes I feel for the construction guy armed with a orange stick who has to direct 80 kmph traffic on a rainy evening ? surely his supervisor (or he) should have a bit more sense? People driving through red lights all the time (you want to see it around these parts, you’d swear the population is colour blind)…. The lack of appreciation for the well-being of one’s fellow man gets me down all to often.

9. Misinformation ? The daily propaganda machines that print out how great Korea is are unnecessary. The newspapers, radio, television channels, all of them, regurgitate the same press release of wonderful news about why Korea is fantastic. Meanwhile Korea has some serious problems that aren’t addressed. Young people have given up on the mainstream media and rely on blogs for their news because they know they’re not getting the full picture. Surely this is wrong. And don’t get me wrong, I think that consulting social media for news is very important, but to have to rely on it over the mainstream because it is unreliable… Anyway, this is the tip of a very awkward and ugly issue that I could go into in greater detail but will avoid for fear of landing myself in a whole I can’t get out of.

10. K-Pop ? I fucking hate it. Really. I. Fucking. Hate. That. Shite. It’s awful. And anyone who claims it has any positive tenancies needs their head examined. Don’t try and argue with me. You are automatically wrong because I said so.

Many of the things on this list are things that won’t change, and they will bother me forever. I imagine there are plenty of things on this list that many Korean people will shake their head in agreement with. There could be an equal amount of people (or more) who completely disagree with me.

But you know what is more important? As much as we shake our heads in disbelief, we continue to get on with the job the best we can. The struggle is a constant one, but it’s a constant one wherever you. No one ever said life was easy. So suck in your gut, put on some music you like (I suggest anything but K-Pop) and just breeze through it with as big a smile as you can muster.

And if it all gets too much for you, there is one thing you can do: leave.








특히 마지막 문단이 와 닿습니다. 저도 케이팝은 정말 싫더군요..


"<본문 중 해석> 이 나라에서 정신 차리고 살아가려면, 너가 좋아하는 음악을 듣고 (물론 케이팝 말고 말이다.), 모든 걸 무시해버리는 쿨함을 갖추기 바란다. 물론 이 모든 게 벅차다면, 답은 하나다. 떠나라."



링크에 들어가서 댓글을 보시면, 외국인들이 생각하는 이 나라에 대한 이미지가 잘 나와 있습니다.


"케이팝이 세계를 지배한다는 잘못된 믿음을 가지고, 정부는 국민들에게 가짜 자신감 (국뽕) 을 주입하려고 하는 것 같은 나라다. 자신의 나라에 대한 진정한 비판을 들을 줄 모른다면, 그 나라에는 발전이 절대 없을 것이다."


"나를 싫어하지 말라. 나는 이 글의 전체에 공감한다!"


"이 나라에서 먹을 만한 것은 소주와 빼빼로밖에 없다."




국뽕들의 말은 무시하시기 바랍니다. 이게 진짜 외국인들의 관점입니다.

  • 외국인들은 제3자의 관점에서 헬조선을 바라보니 정확하네요^^

  • 회로혼란
    프랑스에서 K-pop 빠순이 만나서 떡쳤기 때문에 K-pop을 무조건 욕할 수가 없음.. 백마 다이스키!
    니들도 혹시 외국나가면 한번 먹어봐라! 진정 탈김치녀라고 일베충들이 왜 그렇게 떠드는지 알 수 있다. ㅇㅇ
  • ㅇㅇ
    다른것은 다 욕해도 K-pop은 욕해서는 안된다.. 외국에서 K-pop 빠순이들 따먹는 즐거움이 사라진다.. 그건 안된다.. 마지막남은 탈조센 탈김치녀의 희망이자 끈인데.. 그건 안됨..
  • АД
    ㅇㅂ새끼 튀어나왔노
  • 빼빼로도 요즘은 가짜 초콜릿을 쓰기 때문에 먹을만하다고 볼 수 없는데 말이죠..

    아무튼 역시 역사든 현상황이든 외국 관점이 제일 믿을만 하네요
  • daks
    옆나라 일본의 빼빼로 먹어보면 아 이게 진짜 빼빼로구나 할겁니다 헬조선의 빼빼로는 명함도 못내밀 퀼리티죠
  • 빼빼로뿐만이 아니라 초콜릿 자체가 일본하고 비교가 안 됩니다.

    일본은 카카오 버터가 함유된 진짜 초콜릿인 반면에
    한국은 갈색 설탕 덩어리일 뿐이죠. 따라서 한국 초콜릿은 녹지도 않고 맛도 초콜릿이 아닙니다. 그것도 모자라서 양마저 일본보다 더 적죠.
    이런데도 사먹는 놈들이 있으니.. 명불허전 헬조선입니다.
  • daks
    편의점이나 코스트코에서 팔고있는 외국산 초콜릿들 먹어보면 맛이 확실히 틀려요 내가 여태까지 먹었던건 초콜릿이 아니라 그냥 이상한 덩어리 였던거죠 ㅎㅎ 그리고 양도 확실히 차이나는데요 같은 가격대를 비교하면 외국산 초콜릿이 확실히 양이 많습니다 헬조선 초콜릿은 버터가 안들었을 뿐만 아니라 양도 창렬이였습니다
  • 애니음악을 듣고 독이되는 말은 무시하네요. 그래도 정신 차리고 살기 힘듦. 난 반드시 떠날 것이다.
  • ㅇㅇㅇㅇ
    소주가 먹을만 하다니;;;;
댓글 쓰기 권한이 없습니다.
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